How to help
There are several ways how you can help. We´d appreciate your prayers for the ministry, its workers and the families we work with. Also we offer other ways to be a blessing:
You can decide to separate a certain time to serve in our ministry. We prefer a minimum of three months commitment with a recommendation from your church´ pastor. God can certainly use your talents, whether you speak Spanish or not.
We also receive groups during the whole year. The focus of the group van vary between construction and working with kids, evangelism outreach and maintenance work. This can be combined with touristic traveling as well. Our experience is that these groups end up blessing and be blessed as well. We can offer accommodation, food and transport for groups until 20 people.
Contact us for more information
We receive donations from the United States through our partner Modern Day. They receive your tax deductible donation which they will forward to us in Peru. To donate click on the icon of Modern Day and go to DONATE TODAY. Make an account at DONOR GIVE and select Vedder Family/Brazos Abiertos to send your donation.
Fraud Protocol Brazos Abiertos Foundation, Lima Perú
Sponsor a Child
We also give the opportunity to sponsor a child. Click on Sponsor a Child at the menu to check out which child still needs a sponsor!