Volunteer Ronald

After I saw Brazos Abiertos on the internet and read about the impact the school has in the slum, I contacted them. Not much later I was allowed to come and help with some maintenance of the building.

When I arrived it was quite quiet, because it was the children’s holiday. After a tour of the building, the neighborhood and the new construction project I immediately felt at home. What struck me was the peace and love that prevailed. In the weeks that followed I also noticed how pleasant the atmosphere was and how faith was central, I really liked this.

After having done a number of painting projects it was time to prepare the building for the DTS (Discipleship Training School). It is the first time that the DTS is held at this location, so there was a lot to do. It is fantastic to see that God is working and that now, in addition to the school and the church, people can be trained to go out as missionaries.