Fancy fair

The annual fancy fair was again a great success. Enjoy a meal together, play games, exercise and much more. A fun day for the whole family with the aim of…

Going out

The school children had a beautiful day outing to a countryside field in Cieneguilla and others to the Voices for Climate Ecological Park. It was a spectacular day with soccer,…

Pichanaqui mission trip

We went on a mission trip to the jungle in Pichanaqui with the church of Open Arms. We have worked, among other things, with the indigenous tribe of the Ashaninca…


With the Brazos Abiertos team we had a great 2 days in Santa Eulalia. Team building and using the DISC test to look at the gifts, talents and character traits…

Going out

The school children enjoyed the trips. Admire nature created by God, meeting animals such as monkeys, camels, etc. Other children were able to learn a little about the sea and…

Month of the Bible

Last Sunday we had the closing of the month of the Bible. A great time to take to the streets together and share the good news of Jesus in words…

School for parents

The teachers from Brazos Abiertos and the parents of the School analyzed the dangers that Social Networks represent for our children. Through dramatizations, dialogue and presentations, parents were warned of…

Month of the bible and fasting

The month of September is the month of the Bible and there are all kinds of activities in the church. In addition, we regularly fast with the church, worship God…

Family games

Thank God we managed to have an amazing time. The power of unity brings blessing when working in alliance we can impact families and community. This event is proof of…